Meet our Quarterly Design Team

I'm Thrilled to Introduce our Quarterly Release Design Team!

We have something exciting to announce! Our first quarterly release will be on April 22nd. We are excited about this new venture for Not 2 Shabby! Meet my very talented team mates that will be helping me provide inspiration for our new quarterly releases. I hope you will give these ladies a follow.

Jackie - @JackiesCraftTable YouTube - Jackie's Craft Table

Desiree - @includethankyou YouTube - Include a Thank you

Charlene - @dreamcraftcreate YouTube - Dream Craft Create

Alicia - @callmecraftyal YouTube - Call me {Crafty} Al

Meghan - @madebymeghank Blog - Made by Meghan K

Julee - @vervegirl Blog - Poetic Artistry

Kathy - @stampinkathy4 Blog - Stamps at Play

We are excited to share our creativity with you!


Virginia Ellison

Date 5/1/2023

Denise Bryant

Date 5/2/2023

Sue D

Date 5/3/2023

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