Mood Board challenge Inspiration for February

Hello Crafters

Teresa here with a card...exciting one...I will get to why in a minute. 

I am using the part of the Mood Board that surrounds the fact that yesterday was "Random Act of Kindness" day. I will be mailing this card out to a very kind person that means a whole lot to me.  

 The reason I chose to use this image stamp is this stamp has been in my collection since 2017 and I have never used it! Tulips are my favorite flower! 

I also knew I wanted to paper piece the boots so I pulled out the Artsy Gals Basics slimline paper pad from a previous Box of the Month...and guess what? The box is on sale!  

 I hope you liked my card and I would love to challenge you to play along with our Mood Board still have time to link up a project! 

Crafty Hugs, Teresa


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