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Paper Pad Club
Paper Pad Club

Paper Pad Club

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Your Price: $13.98
Subscribe to save 18% off!
Part Number: N2S-Paper-Pad-Club
Availability: In Stock Free Shipping (on U.S. orders of $75 or more)

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Recurring Order

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Do you love a surprise? Join our Paper Pad Club and receive a two brand new designs delivered to your door at a discounted price! Now with the option to add one ephemera pack that will match one of the papers in the shipment. You will receive 18% off when you choose monthly as your frequency or you may purchase the 2 paper pads for full retail as a one time purchase. You will be charged $7.94 to ship your paper pads on US orders. Your recurring order will be charge a $7.94 shipping fee. Shipping fee subject to change due to fluctuating carrier fees.

No coupons valid on subscription items. A discount is already entered into your shopping cart if you join the monthly club. By Clicking the Monthly frequency option, you will be automatically charged in 30 days and receive the next set automatically until you cancel.

Limited quantities available! Once these papers are sold out they will no longer be available!

Subscription details:

Your first payment is processed the day of the sale. Each payment thereafter will automatically process 30 days after.

Paper pads will normally begin shipping soon after you place your order unless there is a sell out, then you must wait until the next set releases on the 1st.

You have 10 days prior to cancel your subscription before your next recurring shipment.

It will cost $7.94 to ship your paper pads first class in the US. unless you choose priority mail.

Please note all sales are final. You have the option to cancel 10 day before your next shipment.

Paper Pad Club Benefits:

18% discount on the paper pads of the month. (Discount shown in your shopping cart.)
Guaranteed the set every month (Automatically shipped to you every 30 days.)
An exclusive coupon for club member only for the shop!
How to Cancel:
Log into your account. Once there, look for the "Recurring Orders" section which will list your recurring orders.

Click on "View Details" of the order you would like to cancel.

At the top of the order, You will see functions available to change the frequency, date and payment method used on the order.

(Please note it must be before 10 days of your next shipment to cancel.)

To cancel the order, you will simply click on the "Cancel This Order" button.

Reward Points

13.98 points will be rewarded to you when you buy this item.

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